Kettlebells Can Make a Difference in the Royal Rumble

By Rob Sutter

The Royal Rumble is my preferential wrestling event of the year for many reasons. It's the place where wrestlers have the chance to headline WrestleMania in April and they will be able to go after the World Championship, as well. However, it's not going to be simple making it through the Rumble thanks to many different details. One doesn't have to stress too much on the matter, though, because I have good feeling that kettlebells can be put to use in order to see victory.

The first thing to think of when it comes to the Royal Rumble is that it is, in essence, each man for himself. They have to work on their own, employing their own advantages, in order to eliminate the rest over the top rope and come out on top. The drawback is that everyone else is going to have the same kind of frame of mind and being able to eliminate someone else from the ring will prove to be a task. In order to be more efficient in terms of overall ability, I think a form of training could be used.

This kind of training would most likely have to make use of kettlebells, focusing on both strength and maneuverability alike. When it comes to the Royal Rumble, both elements have to be utilized so that you can throw others out of the ring. This kind of event, to say the least, can be a challenge for those who are ill-prepared for it. There's no reason to worry greatly, though, because fitness authorities such as Lorna seem to be able to make this endeavor quite easily.

I have to believe that versatility can work well when it comes to the Royal Rumble event. There are several eliminations to speak of outside of the typical throw over the top rope. Some will join forces in order to take out a larger adversary while others may use their cunning to trick others onto the floor. Sometimes you can't help but to expect but the unexpected, though in my mind, it's what makes the Royal Rumble event so much fun.

However, the detail of enjoyment has to be put on the backburner because for the contenders, it's a matter of survival. This could be a characterizing match in the occupations of these competitors and they have to be able to make the most of it. In order to get in perfect shape for the show, I dare say that kettlebells can help them win the match. Once they're the last one standing, I'm sure that they'll thank these different exercises for the success at the end of the night.

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